PYSA medioambiente

Different professionals, from leading companies in the environmental engineering sector, joined their efforts to create, in the mid-90s, PYSA MEDIOAMBIENTE SCL, a company that combines the accumulated experience of its human team, with the operation of an engineering modern, capable and at the technical forefront.

One of the main objectives is to contribute their own knowledge to achieve an environment in perfect balance, as well as a higher quality of life for people, all without losing sight of an orderly use of the natural resources that we have at our disposal. A dynamic that, for the good of all, reaches higher levels every day.

Faithful to this slogan, PYSA offers a complete service that integrates the design of the facilities, both for water treatment and solid waste treatment, from the tender to the development of detailed engineering, passing through the construction design

We are dedicated to the design of water treatment plants and urban solid waste. The first group includes seawater and brackish water desalination plants, drinking or irrigation water treatment plants, and urban or industrial wastewater treatment plants ... In the second group, we deal with the design of water treatment plants citizen waste.
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We have worked for different public administrations in the drafting of Bidding Terms and Conditions, as well as in the analysis and review of the offers received from the different bidders. We work for construction companies of proven prestige, both national and international, carrying out tender projects, construction projects and detailed engineering, accompanying our customers from the beginning of the project in the tender phase until the final design for the assembly of the facilities .
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